Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Are we egoistic, insensitive or just ignorant when say things like "oh what a small car you have" when we actually meant "what a cute car you have"
Or when "this guy/girl is stalking me" when they are just going your direction or looking at your direction.

Haha I don't even know how I started this blog.
Maybe, I need a life, or I just need an output since I don't really have friends to talk to.
Actually I do but I feel that they don't care sometimes or they just don't have the answers I want/need to hear.

I feel so legalistic, I judge, I diss and make comments. But I feel that it sets me apart from others.
I talk to myself all the time, thoughts like "it takes one day for me to be like you, but it will take more than one day for you to be like me"
"I am Jesus motivated, what about you?"

This kinda stuff floats in my mind when I see my friends clubbing, going for drinking parties, chasing after materials of the world.
I feel the constant need to remind myself not to be like them and it reaches to a point of being judgmental, legalism and most of the time gossip. (I try very hard to keep it to myself)

I think I'm addicted and I face the problem of judging the way people look, I'm visual man.
I find it so hard to change.
I need God.
I need Jesus.
But I'm not the quiet time kinda guy. I need to be that guy.
I have been taking God for a blessing machine.
I need prayers.
I need to be determined to change.
But how?
Read the bible....there is always a start for everything.
Pray now.

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