Sunday, August 23, 2015

Taught a lesson on Faith and washing of feet.
Found some guides online and put together those lessons to form 1 topic.
We are currently on a topical devotional material so it can be very abstract and hard to grasp at their level. I have tried my best to create an inclusive lesson for the Sec 1-3's to grasp.
It is quite tough because you have to stimulate their minds on all levels. Therefore, it usually takes about 45 to an hour for me to cover the topic. It is very challenging.

But I find it very fulfilling and addictive to prepare for such lessons. Cus it strengthens what I know and I have been running on a low tank of faith for very long. So it encourages me to read the bible and grow in areas that I have been stagnated.

Currently I'm trying think of a topic to touch on so that it will link back to the previous topics. This will help me them to conceptually grasp what I am talking about and also help them to build on their bible knowledge.

A lot of them have a good foundation from their church and Sunday School and what I feel I should do is to reinforce such teachings. I still can't see myself as a teacher. I am basically conveying and rearranging lessons that have been taught before to present it and share it. That's all.

2 topics come to mind.
1) Faith, Hope and Love. The 3 greatest fruits. We can take a look at hope. Cus it comes after faith.
2) Faith lesson 2. We can go in deeper and learn more about faith. And establish the faith of our forefathers, parents and even the apostles.

I prefer the 2nd option because it is very hard to believe in something that I cannot see and hear from everyday. The bible needs to be alive for them. What is one thing that will help me keep my faith intact? Something that can be a constant in my life, the moment I look at it, I remember God's help in my times of need.

Should I go deeper into apologetics? So that when they are shaken they can use this to stump the world that tries to shake their belief or should I enter into personal experience which will be quite subjective and not everyone will be able to understand? So what direction should I take?

This is yet to be revealed but I think after typing this out I am more certain about the direction. I don't want to waste their time. I want to take home something. I want them to be able to talk about it with their parents and ask their parents for a story that they can call their own family's faith journey.

We can use borrowed faith for now because we are still young and most of us don't have the experience with God yet. That said, age is not a factor for faith. But if we do not have or own a life changing experience yet, we can ask our parents for a personal story.

"What made them believe in God?"
"What is one experience that they will always use when they want to come back to God?"

This will help them create valuable dinner table conversations rather than the usual result oriented talks and the surface how is life in school talk. And when there is nothing to say they revert to their default and use their phones instead.

Okay, that's all I have for now. But I hope I am useful. I doubt myself alot haha. Need alot of reassurance from my friends... But....nvm... haha.

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Recently, I've been really crazy busy.
I'll be flying off to Hong Kong in a couple of days.
I honestly don't know what I am supposed to do as a bestman.

Organise a STAG party?
Say a few words?

We don't have a car in Hong Kong so we might have to take the public transport for the stag party which is quite lame....

Anyway, I know what to say for my speech, I just don't know when to say.
It's pretty strange, cus I have not been hanging out with them.

But exams are coming and its straight after I come back from Hong Kong.
My brains can no longer take this kind of shocks anymore. HAAAALP.

First it was YAM and I had to take a ferry back halfway just to take my papers.
and now THIS.
I think I just like the feeling of a busy life....Zzzzz
Flying back on the 11th, 12-14 are my exam dates. Woohoooo. Onward!

Anyway, I was quite upset that I was not invited to my friend's wedding, both of whom are my friends. I knew the girl since sec 1 and we kinds grew up together till like she was JC2. We went on mission trips to Chiang Mai every year. Quite sad. I knew the guy since sec 3 when he joined our cell.

Yeah we kinda drifted and stopped talking to each other, but she used to ask about me when I was in church and we used to catch up. But she stopped when she got together with this guy... haha strange but nvm lah. People change ? Or maybe they are just too tired to interact anymore.

Saded. BUT I'm super happy for them ! They finally got married ! And they are gonna have beautiful kids hahaha ! So a hidden congrats to them !

I don't know who still read this but I saw my childhood (sec 3) sweetheart counted right? Anyway, things are weird haha, like we still can't talk normally. Why. And it's weird. But I'll try to normalise things when I get the chance to. Anyway, really happy that she found someone who is pretty stable in terms of emotions and doing life in general. I hope it works out for them. They seem genuinely happy together. And this guy is quite meticulous and romantic lah, so dreamy haha...

I can't believe that I still have the time to blog. 3 theory papers coming up. I hope to score at least distinctions. I got super distracted this sem and I only hope that whatever revision I do now will be retained in my brains.

To the people who know me, I have a bad memory.

Updates on Bubble Soccer Singapore. Quite upset with Singapore law. My direct competitors bought similar domains and confused the market with it. Honestly I'm super pissed. What can I do ?
SGNIC replied to say that I must pay about 2.9k to LODGE a dispute. WHAT?!?

So can I recover this cost when it is ruled that they are in the wrong ?
But I must upfront this fee first....
And they paid for SEO lol. We paid for an inhouse SEO which does not cost a bomb obviously.

Just got asked by a friend to join his accounting firm to be a paperwork warrior....
And potentially a partner in future.
Question is, Big Four or this?
Flexibility vs Overtime.

But one have to work like a dog no matter what.
If I work for my friend I will be able to continue with my business and do accounting at the same time.

If I don't...Zzzz.... But I get to climb the ladder and have a fixed path for life already...
But with no work life balance for the first 10 years. Dilemma.

Okay gotta go!


Just one short publicity stunt.
This is pretty much what I do for the business. I conduct teambuilding activities and make sure that my customers have loads of fun bumping and rolling around.
It is super safe. You don't have to worry about a soccer ball flying to your nuts or face (if you don't have nuts).

Anyway, thanks for all the support you guys have been showing.
SPH Family Day at Sentosa

JTC Fitness Day at Woodlands Stadium

Event at OFFSIDE 

Oil Tanking Management Staff Teambuilding at Sentosa

Some Ang Moh kids

Teambuilding at OFFSIDE

Monday, July 20, 2015

Have been so busy lately.

I need another break soon.

These are my current commitments:

1. Making Money
  • Bubble Soccer
  • Forex
  • Starting another business soon.
2. Boys' Brigade
  • Upkeep the boys badges
  • Remember their birthdays
  • Worship
3. Young Adults' Ministry
  • YAM Retreat 2015 (BATAM)
  • Plan for Monthly Takeouts (Food/Worship/Slides Clicker/Laptop)
  • Get ready for the end year party or new year party
  • Check out Hotels for next year's retreat
4. Carissa
  • Fetching her to and fro MCAT
  • Spend time listening to her
  • Encourage her not to give up her dreams
  • Plan for a future with her. To move over to Australia and watch her complete her dream goals.
5. Friends
  • Going on outings at least Bi-monthly
  • Find my good friend a good Christian girlfriend even though he is not Christian, but he is more Christian than most of us and I hope one day he will see that there is only one God. I can't give all the answers, but God is not cruel, it is the people that He created who are the cruel ones. I hope God finds Him and show Him something miraculous  and he won't be so sceptical and turn a blind eye on that obvious miracle.
6. School
  • Assignments
  • Exams on 12/13/14 AUG (I'm not sure if I can still do the best man thing. But share load with Choo lah so maybe not so taxing hahahaha. I still think Choo should take up the role. He already do so much for them.... wah lau.)
  • Bridging exam this Saturday... Die.
  • Report submission this Friday.
School is the least of my concerns now because I have to live life to the fullest. While it is not nice to fail, I feel that going to school is only essential for equipping. As long as I have internalised the various concepts that was taught and it is shown through the way I live my life, I think it has served it's purpose already. To be so caught up in paper chase and then risk losing the golden years of my life, it's not worth it. But I must graduate.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Having a bad time right now because, I made the mistake of thinking I can be better than people or even God himself. Was in the toilet when I picked up the book "Mere Christianity" by C.S Lewis.

It was mind changing. I hope I will remember this for the rest of my life.
CS Lewis was on the topic of cardinal virtues. And the part that caught me was from page 79-81 of the book.

Let me take a few parts here and there.

"Someone who is not a good tennis player may now and then take a good shot. What yo mean by a good player is a man.......have been so trained by making innumerable good shots that they now can be relied on. They have a certain tone or quality which is there even when he is not playing. 

Just as a mathematician's mind has a certain habit and outlook which is there even when he is not doing mathematics. In the same way a man who perseveres in doing just actions gets in the end a certain quality of character. Now it is that quality rather than the particular actions which we mean when we talk of a 'virtue.' 

This distinction is important for the following reason. If we though only of the particular actions we might encourage three wrong ideas."

1)Right actions can be done for the wrong reasons. If done with the wrong reason, it does not help to build an internal quality or character called the virtue. The tennis player can hit a winning stroke in anger by luck, but it will not help him to be a reliable person.

2) We might think that God wanted simply obedience to a set of rules: whereas He really wants people of a particular sort.

3) We might think that virtues are only necessary for this present life.

The point us not that God will refuse you admission to His eternal world if you have not got certain qualities of character, the point is that if people had not got at least the beginning of those qualities inside them, then no possible external conditions could make a Heaven for them.

That is, could make them happy with the deep, strong, unshakable kind of happiness God intends for us.

I think the words itself are enough for us to think about the kind of person we want to become. I am struggling with this now. I portray a good image of myself. But i always question myself. "Am I really like that?"

I don't know if God calls me home now, that I will be able to enjoy the things in heaven, the relationships that might be made in heaven.

There's this parable of the people who went to heaven but told God that they want to go to hell cus they cannot take what is in heaven. I pray that I will be moulded and I won't be like the people who asked God to send them to hell because they can't take heaven.

This blog is really good. No one comes except for me. And even if people came, they are the ones who don't know who I am.

Ciaoz gotta study for my second test. Hope I don't fail. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

It has been a long while.

After a crazy roller coaster of things happening here and there. Bubble Soccer, very rarely Laser Tag. Back at Boys' Brigade. Serving at the Young Adults Ministry at Barker. Exams are coming up in 1 month's time. Tests are next week. Tough stuff. 

The uncertainty of going to New Zealand with the fiance is starting to make me think. So many things going on with so little time. And the worse thing is I'm probably going into another business that will limit my time even more. 

Sometimes it's so crazy I just stop and listen to John Mayer and stare into space. 

I can't stop the ministries given to me. They are largely BB and YAM. I can forgo all others but not these 2. Still recovering from the lousy devotions I did with the last parade. Could've done better. But I hope they get the message. It is true that the crowd in schools nowadays need more to excite them. But how to do that without diluting the message? I don't know. 

Siblings are going overseas. Next week my youngest sis the baby of the family is leaving us for foundational studies in Trinity College at Melbourne. She will be gone for at least 4 years together with my other sister in Perth. Oscar will be gone for 5 years next year to Adelaide for Dentistry. 

The house will be empty, it's crazy. I'll be as good as the only child. That's not my greatest worry. My greatest worry is that Mum and Dad may not be able to keep up with the finances. I might need to work harder. Sometimes you don't know how much more you can push yourself you know? 

But thank God the money from the government grants for my business is in. We can use it to expand our business and possibly earn more money. 

My last worry is my really good friend. Been praying for him since Poly year 1. 
I just hope a miracle happens. I don't know what I can do to make life a little teeny bit better. 
I hope he finds really good mature friends who will give him sound advice (not that I am, I just listen tbh. I don't do much.) 
People go through bad patches in life but when yours start at a very young age and you are forced to rely on yourself, you tend to have a very different thinking. Mostly individualistic behaviour because there are trust issues and the thinking that no one will ever back you up but yourself. 

I think I was not really there for him in the first place. Not even sure if he deems me as his best friend. But he is mine. lol. He gives one of the best advices and support IMO. Most times better than my churchies but people grow up eventually. 

But you know, life is such that you have to be vulnerable to people before they open up to you and trust you. And one day we need to rely on each other's support to survive in this dark dark world. I wish I was a kid again. I remember not so long ago when I was P6 that I thought to myself, how good if life can always be this way. But life is about growing up and not letting our past shadow what we do now. Heroes don't talk about their past. 

I just pray that somehow Jesus reveals himself to this close friend of mine, in whatever way I don't know. I definitely know that its not because I prayed or talked to him that he will come to know Christ but it's truly from the deepest recess of His heart that he feels Christ showing him love and comfort. 

And 30 years down the road I want us to be sitting at some BBQ party talking about the days of the past and doing the same ministry and that is to continue to help others. Even if he doesn't believe, his fire to help the less fortunate will always burn for the right reasons. 

Anyway, run the good race and fight the good fight, win or lose, just do it and see where it gets us. 

Press on. (talking to myself since no one reads this.) 

Blessing in disguise that this blog is dead. lol.