Monday, September 29, 2014

#returnourCPF is a trap.

Yes, most Singaporeans are asset rich with limited liquidity. But we can't just listen to one side and conclude. Yet most of us do because that is a convenient thing to do. Ride on the wave of intellects and you'll never go wrong. As long a a person sounds smart while going against the government, we will support him. Really? Are we that shallow?

I remember some time back before my grandparents became followers of Christ. They gave me all sorts of ridiculous stories heard from friends. All sorts of questions about why christians behave badly even after getting baptised. All it takes was one question. "Have you personally accepted Jesus as your Lord and walk a blameless life according to what is written in the bible?" In short, "did you give Jesus a chance?"

It took awhile for this question to sink into them and search the recesses of their hearts before they were willing to give Jesus a try. Maybe I have just turned you off with a religious example. But I hope you will be patient with me.

In the same way, have we done enough research on our own to say the truth for once? (reading alternative news is not a fair source BTW. No one should be able to convince you. No one but FACTS.) How do you know for sure that what ROY and HHH have presented are facts? I am not saying he is a liar. I am asking whether you can confirm it.

One thing I notice about people is people are rationale beings. They think and they plan for a future in their lives. However, circumstances has it that they have no choice but to spend and sometimes even empty their savings. There are tons of these persons when you visit rental flats and homes. These are truly the marginalised. But I don't see them actively participating in going against the government. In fact, they work hard and encourage their kids to work hard to escape the cycle.

Most of these people flaming the government. Now what sort of agenda do you think they have? They try to fan the flames with unsupported allegations. They tried to be "accountable" for the public monies raised but have they been transparent? Rather than saving this money, their supporters donate what limited resources they have to fund the lives of Roy and HHH. (they are jobless)

I am not an avid supporter of PAP policies especially the educational policies that are in place. But even this is starting to change. I digress.

Coming back  to the point of why #returnourCPF movement is a trap. Many of us know the income inequality GAP that is widening in Singapore. However, we need to see the facts. When we release the floodgates of CPF monies. Do you honestly think that people with ZERO financial knowledge will handle it well and retire well?

We have a few examples of how the old folks are easily cheated by forces that is not within our control.

Can Roy and HHH support you financially when you have spent all your CPF monies "wisely" and retire as a pauper? I believe they will be the first one to disappear.

Who will have to support you? The government.

With who's money? Taxpayers money.

How can we provide for the sudden increase of poverty? Raise taxes.

Who will be unhappy? The people who have worked very hard for a better life. And this is when the incumbent would have fallen into a trap. But no I believe we have smart people who will do their job with due diligence.

Who will benefit the most? No one. Even Roy and HHH they are jobless and they rely on the "poor" remember?

When their ploy unfolds, do you think they will still receive funding? No. they will have to work their way up. Back to square one.

It is easy for us to say that we will be able to handle our own affairs. But the government is having a hard time as well. They are facing the numbers everyday. The question is what can you a citizen of Singapore do to help? Talk is cheap.

Why don't they give you 15k a month to do their job and let the public scrutinise your life? Would you like that?

There is also wisdom in steering clear of Roy and HHH. That is essentially one of the wisest thing the opposition parties have done.

I'm one ranting.

Back to working hard.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Brainstorming is a group or individual creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its member(s). The term was popularized by Alex Faickney Osborn in the 1963 book Applied Imagination. Osborn claimed that brainstorming was more effective than individuals working alone in generating ideas, although more recent research has questioned this conclusion.[1] Today, the term is used as a catch all for all group ideationsessions." -Wikipedia

Oh really?

So I told someone about my business plans and I was berated with, I got a bad feeling. 
I said join us for discussions. 
"NO!" the person shot back. 
I said okay, so how should we look at it. 
"Don't collaborate with them!"
I said okay then we just meet up to make sure that we know how to lay the foundation for the industry, no agreements will be made to split profit. We'll go our own separate ways. 
"I told you already, not to do these things, focus on your studies." 
But that's why I'm selling my company and passing my responsibilities on to someone else. 
More irrational screaming. 

I am at a loss. Not knowing what to do. I shouted and I kept repeating my point that nothing is cast into stone. I just wanted to hear your opinion. Not you screaming about how I didn't listen to you and how you're always right... 

I sped home and almost got into a fight with a cabbie. We go to the road shoulder and I saw his car camera. Not wanting to be famous overnight. I drove away. I am so tired. 

Enough... its enough...

I am tired. 

I supported your dreams even when people around you cast so much doubt and fear. Even when you started to doubt yourself. I said go. I encouraged you. Not to study but to go for your dreams. That in the process requires you to study. 

But for me, I am expected to study just like you in order to do what I like and what I want. 
But I went a step further. I am tapering down my responsibilities already. But no. Not enough. You just keep pushing me. I've decided to sell everything. 

Haven't had my lunch and it still hurts deeply (no link I know). The person you were so vulnerable with, whom you trusted the most stabbed you. But it feels as though a thousand knives went through me. It's crazy. 

I will not allow history to repeat.