Thursday, November 13, 2008

hi guys
i feel like ranting so much but no haha
too tired la
stupid mosquitoes the buzzing sound alone makes me itch
insect repellent is the way man.
anyway crusade was kinda cool.
no fear and no. fear!
winnie was talking about how we should only fear God.
but there was only ne verse going through my mind for the whole of life meeting
"the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"
cheeem, deep...
hahaha it's really difficult i guess
But we'll have to be like david a man after God's heart.
even though he was a murderer, adulterer and bla bla
he still held on to God and i think thats the most important part
as long as we are willing to cling on to God he will always carry us through
Like no matter how dirty we feel or how unworthy we feel we should still talk to God
Cause Jesus came down for that reason, for our sins so yeah.
Continue to hold on to God guys.

There's a long and bumpy journey life but as long as we hold on to our Rock of salvation,
we will emerge as victors.
oh yeah, one last thought christians do make mistakes,
it's not what we do that makes us who we are.
It's who we put our faith in.
Humans make mistakes, christians are humans too give us some time man.
It's really difficult to just pretend like we're all fine and dandy anyway.
we all have our individual struggles in life be it big or small.

alright going to bed now night guys !

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